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Aetosaur Armor – Desmatosuchus sp.


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Desmatosuchus sp.
Late Triassic
Bull Canyon Formation
Quay County, New Mexico, USA

46mm aetosaur dermal armor “spike” (osteoderm), Very rare.

Archosaur. Reptile.

Desmatosuchus is a genus of the Order Aetosauria, a group related to early dinosaurs, living at a time when dinosaurs were relative newcomers and many of their close relatives were still present. Most would die out during the mass extinction event at the end of the Triassic.

Desmatosuchus, a herbivore, bore a set of about five spikes or spines, one much larger than the others and pointing laterally from both shoulder areas. They provided some defense from large predators.

Additional information

Weight 50 g