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Devonian fish – Gyroptychius agassizi Traill


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Devonian (Eifelian–Givetian)
Lower Caithness Flagstone Group, Achanarras Limestone
Sandwick Fish Bed, Achanarras Horizon, Quoylou, Scotland

Largest known osteolepid fish from the Scottish Devonian fish beds. Huge 320mm fish on 430mm slab. No repair or restoration


Lobe-fin, Lobe-finned. Fish.

Gyroptychius is sometimes referred to as a “lungfish” but it is actually a genus in the extinct family Osteolepidae, which is closer to the ancestry of amphibians than lungfishes.  It’s a lesser-known relative of Osteolepis which is also known from the same beds.

A great piece for the collector looking for something not too far from the lineage that led to early tetrapods, our own distant ancestors

Additional information

Weight 1800 g