High quality camel skull – Poebrotherium


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Poebrotherium wilsoni
Middle Oligocene
White River Formation
Converse County, Wyoming, USA

4.75 inch (140mm) skull

Poebrotherium is an extinct genus of herbivorous mammal belonging to the family Camelidae, which also includes modern camels. These animals lived during the Oligocene epoch, around 33 to 23 million years ago. They were relatively small compared to modern camels, with a slender build and long legs. Poebrotherium likely inhabited grasslands and open woodlands, feeding on vegetation. Fossil remains of Poebrotherium have been found in various locations across North America, particularly in areas such as Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming. Studying fossils of Poebrotherium helps paleontologists understand the evolutionary history and diversity of camelid species.

Additional information

Weight 500 g