Chancelloria eros
Middle Cambrian
Wheeler Shale
Millard County, Utah, USA
Two colorful coelosclerithophorans on 140mm matrix.
Chancellorids have an interesting history. Originally identified as sponges, later re-study suggested they were only superficially similar and may actually be their own side branch of early metazoans. Several new discoveries in China have found chancellorids that lack most of the characteristic spines that lead earlier researchers to conclude they were sponges. So what are they? Slug-like animals that all went extinct? A side branch of sponges? Back scratchers? Buy this one and decide for yourself.
For full articles discussing chancellorid issues see:
Naked chancelloriids from the lower Cambrian of China show evidence for sponge-type growth
A chancelloriid-like metazoan from the early Cambrian Chengjiang Lagerstätte, China